Learn about CAD data management solutions

Find out how to improve your CAD data management workflow and increase your design speed and control.

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Version Control for SolidWorks

Managing SolidWorks files can be challenging, especially if you are working on a team with larger assemblies. Version control helps address these...


What to know about PDM PLM Software

Exploring the world of PDM PLM tools can be daunting. It is important to carefully evaluate tools and understand your options.


3 Tips for Better CAD Document Management

Three key tips for achieving superior CAD document management: file naming conventions, maintaining consistent folder structures, and investing in...


New Vistapoint web app

The new Vistapoint web app has modern UI that helps you find your files faster and access your files from anywhere.


A better way to share CAD files

CAD files have references, are large, and have many versions. This creates challenges when sharing CAD files with customers, suppliers, and partners.

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